
Herbal Treatments to Relieve Insomnia


Insomnia, is a disturbing health condition, which takes different forms. The condition may manifest itself as difficulty in falling asleep, restless sleeping, or waiting in the middle of the night for sleep to occur.

The more common causes of insomnia are caffeinated or alcoholic beverages, especially if a person consumes them in the evening. Tension and anxiety, menopause, lack of exercise, vitamin deficiencies, eating too late in the evening, certain drugs, and food allergies can also trigger insomnia.

Sleeping pills and sedatives may work out at the start, but afterward they interfere with sleep. To add, these drugs are also dangerous, habit-forming, and tend to upset the long-term balance of the body's natural rhythm. It would be better to seek long-term solutions to reducing anxiety, such as by practicing biofeedback or meditation and getting more exercise during the day, though not right before bedtime. A number of herbal treatments to relieve insomnia have been formulated and discovered, and have known to be effective in alleviating this often debilitating condition

The herbal treatments to relieve insomnia can be categorized into the following categories: hypnotics, nervine relaxants, antispasmodics, nervine tonics and adaptogens. The herbs chosen for insomnia remedies are usually selected by herbalists based on their properties, their strength and at times, their taste. It is advisable to consult a certified herbalist or nutritionist regarding the use of herbs as alternatives to standard medication.


Hypnotics are herbs that are used to ease a person to sleep. They are often strong nervine relaxants. Some of the most effective herbal relaxants are illegal because of their addictive potential. A perfect of these would be opium poppy. Hypnotic herbs given in low dosage however, can give a relaxing action on the mind and in the body. Some hypnotics with no addictive properties are the following:

California poppy Chamomile

Hops Linden

Motherwort Mugwort

Passionflower Pulsatilla

Skullcap Valerian

Vervain Wild Lettuce

Wood betony

Herbs for insomnia can calm nervous tension and relax muscles. To induce sleep, take herbs as a warm tea, or in tincture or capsule form, thirty minutes before bedtime. A common dosage is 1 cup of tea, 1/2-1 teaspoon of tincture, or two capsules.

The following herbs are generally recognized as effective sleep inducers and relaxants, and these are:

Valerian passionflower

California poppy hops

The following herbs are also considered much milder sedatives, and are well-suited for children and teenagers. They help calm an overly stimulated nervous system:

Chamomile catnip


These herbal treatment types are designed to help in a way similar to nervine tonics but should only be advised to be used in the daytime to relieve stress because they may be too energizing at night, and may further sleeplessness. Among the examples of adaptogens are the following:

Korean Ginseng American ginseng

Siberian ginseng

Nervine tonics

Nervine tonics are often used when the insomnia is suspected to be associated with, or caused by nervous exhaustion. In cases of shock, stress or nervous debility however, these tonics strengthen and directly restore the tissues. Here are some examples of nervine tonics with a relaxing effect:

Chamomile Hyssop

Lavender Skullcap

Prime Herbal -

Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company

Watermelon Procedures


Nature presented to us the splendid possibility to use means for skin care of face of its own preparation. The efforts, which we exerted in the summer period for the care of our appearance, can pass by gift, if we do not apply them in autumn.

During this period of time there is many fruits and vegetables, which beneficially influence our organism both from within and outside. Watermelon - not exception. Masks from the watermelon tone up, they feed and moisten the skin of face. Arbuznaya mask - excellent toning up means, especially with the flabby skin both dry, and fatty. It improves the color of the skin, it makes with its soft and smooth. The cleaning and rejuvenating effect is known since olden times.

For the dry skin:

- watermelon must be mixed and applied to the skin of face. After 15-20 minutes should be washed off the mask by cool water.

- into the ground egg yolk to add the tea spoon of watermelon juice and thoroughly to mix. To apply mask to the skin of face for 15-20 minutes and to wash off by warm boiled water.

- 1 yolk of chicken egg to grind with 1 tea spoon of the juice of watermelon and 1 by tea spoon of corn oil, to add 2 tea spoons of sour cream. To apply mask to face for 15-20 minutes and to wash off by warm boiled water.

- the pulp of watermelon to grind, the obtained pulp to apply to face on 10 - 15 min. Dry, dehydrated, with the pigment spots the skin before putting of mask to wipe with olive or maize of masscrap and to make on 5 - 7 min. the compress: to moisten towel in the hot water, into which is added the soda (1 tea spoon on 1 l of water). Mask to wash off by water of room temperature, the skin to dry by towel and to apply nourishing cream.

- the lotion: mix in the equal proportions watermelon juice, milk and mineral water. By this lotion should be wipe the skin of face each morning.

For the normal skin:

- 1 tea spoon of watermelon juice to mix with 1 egg yolk and 1 by tea spoon of olive oil. This mixture to put on the skin of face for 20 minutes. On the expiration of the time indicated it is necessary to wash off mask by water of room temperature.

- to freeze the juice of watermelon. It is necessary to rub face along the massage lines by the piece of formed ice. The formed crust must be left on face for 15-20 minutes, then washed off by cold water, and to face should be applied nourishing cream.

- the juice of watermelon and ginseng in the equal proportions to thoroughly mix. To apply to face for 15 minutes, then to wash off by water of room temperature.

- into the ground egg yolk to add the tea spoon of arbuznogo juice and thoroughly to mix. To apply mask to the skin of face for 15-20 minutes and to wash off by warm boiled water.

- 2 table spoons of the pulp of watermelon to mix with one tea spoon of bee honey and one table spoon of sour cream. To put this mask on face and to hold 15-20 minutes. On the expiration of the time indicated it is necessary to wash off mask by cool water. This mask wonderfully tones up and it feeds the skin of face.

- Watermelon pulp to wipe with the plum in the equal proportions, to add into this mixture vegetable oil. This mask to apply to purified face. To wash off after 10-15 minutes by water of room temperature.

For the fatty skin:

- to one tea spoon of the juice of watermelon to finish 2-3 tea spoons of the shaken up egg white. Mask to apply to face for 15-20 minutes, then to wash off by cold water. Before this procedure, it is necessary to make a steam tray from the camomile for expanding the times.

- to wipe the skin of face by the lotion, which consists of the cucumber and watermelon juices, in proportion 1:1.

Against the aging:

- if appeared the signs of aging, was irreplaceable watermelon mask. Necessary to take it is somewhat layer gauzes, to moisten by arbuznym juice and for 20 minutes to put on face and neck. Washing mask by boiled water of room temperature, to grease the skin by nourishing cream.

Sally Bienfield - portal moderator.

Equipment for Mountain Biking


The categories of equipment for mountain bikes include a great number of subcategories. These subcategories include the bikes, frames, accessories, biking apparel, and even the separate components that make up the bikes. There are a number of items that you can get for mountain biking, so it is imperative that you know what you want. You first need to determine what kind of biking that you do. Do you mountain bike for fun or are you into it for racing? If you have just started your mountain biking adventure, then your first purchase will need to be a bike that will meet your needs and wants.

Clothing that is specially made for mountain biking is much looser than the other clothing made for cycling. The difference between mountain biking apparel and other biking apparel is very noticeable and easy to see. All kinds of cycling have one thing in common, however, and that is helmets. Helmets should be worn anytime you are on your bike. This will help to protect your head from the many hazards that may be on the trail.

There are accessories that can help make your biking safer for you, too. One of these accessories is mountain bike lights. If you are going to be riding at night, then you will need some kind of lighting on your bike, whether it is LED lights or other lights. Lights enable mountain bikers to enjoy the trail at any time of the day or night.

You can find your mountain bike supplies at your local bike shop or online at many different bicycling retailers. You can find everything that you need-from knee guards to full body guards to helmets to other apparel and accessories. The shops will be able to assist you to find mountain biking gear for any level of rider, from the casual to the more extreme enthusiast.

Protective gear is essential in mountain biking, especially. It will help you to withstand the rigors of mountain and downhill racing. Many different body armor pieces help to protect different parts of the body to make sure that you will be protected if you have an accident. This gear is specially made to protect you without taking away from the experience and fun of mountain biking.

The most important thing that you need to purchase to help keep yourself safe is a biking helmet. A helmet can keep you alive in this sometimes dangerous sport. No matter how small the race, biking helmets are required to help keep you safe. To keep your hands free from burns or blisters, you may want to choose some gloves. They serve a functional use as well, because they help to give you a much stronger grip on the handlebars for maximum control.

Mountain biking demands comfortable clothing. Most races occur during the summer, so shorts and t-shirts are the most commonly seen clothing, but during the winter months, you may see pants and sweatshirts. You are sure to find the perfect clothing to ride in no matter what time of the year to help you be comfortable and to look cool.

Andrew Caxton is a consultant who writes on many consumer topics like bicycle parts for A website with tips on mountain bike reviews.

1. If you aren't finding what you like, consider expanding your search criteria. That may include expanding the geographical location, or simply having less requirements (ex don't specify that it must have a pantry and a built-in vacuum). Another possible expansion is on the rooms that you want. Maybe you would like a 4 bedroom home - consider searching for 3 bedroom homes then look through to see if they have a den, office, unfinished basement, or bonus space that could satisfy your space requirements.

2. Ask what the average utility bills are. This is particularly important if you are moving to a new area or if you are significantly increasing the size of your home. Dont just assume that your utility bills will be around the same amount - they could be quite different.

3. Take pictures and notes when you go to listings. Chances are you will see at least 5-10 listings before you decide on one. However, those 5-10 can seem quite similar, particularly if you are looking within a certain subdivision or looking at new construction. So take some notes and bring along your camera too. The best way to do this is to have your agent print out the MLS reports for the houses that you are going to see - then you can just make extra notes right on there along with the rest of the info.

So what should you document? Certainly not everything!!!! But if you see a fireplace, or a desk nook or a kitchen island that you particularly like, take a picture of it (and make a note on your MLS printout that you took the picture and what it was of so that you can tell later on). This way, when you go home that night, you can review all the houses you looked out in order to narrow down your decision.

4. Consider what the property taxes will be. Sometimes there can be a large difference from one city/town to the next in property tax rates. Also, if you live out of city limits in the county, consider what they will be there.

Also, ask your agent when the home was last assessed. This is particularly relevant in areas that have seen home prices rise in the past several years. The annual tax amount on the MLS printout may be based upon an older value assessment and if that home is due to be assessed again soon, that number could increase substantially.

5. When looking at homes, consider what your daily commute will be. While this applies more in major urban areas than in small towns and cities, it is still worth considering. You are not just looking at commute, but what you can get for your money. If by commuting an extra 5 minutes each way to work you could get a newer, bigger house for your money than what you could buy closer to work, would you do it? For some people the answer is an overwhelming yes, while for others, they would say no. Its a personal choice and it depends on what you are looking for in a home and what you value.

Would you live another 10 minutes up the freeway in order to save $30,000? Think about it and determine the value of being close to work.

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