
Bulimia Is A Severe Eating Disorder


Bulimia is but one of a growing number of eating disorders recognized in our modern society. Depression, low self-esteem, and extreme perfectionism are common in people with these symptoms. Bulimia can also cause tension with family and friends, interrupting the lives of people with the disorder.

The eating behavior can look normal but after a short while, he or she feels disgusted with their eating and uses different methods of eliminating it. Many people, if not most, with bulimia will not admit that they have an eating disorder, but this understanding is crucial to their recovery. Anorexia is another growing eating disorder among young women where they starve themselves to become thin. Bulimia is also a popular eating disorder that commonly affects women who have an extreme fear of gaining weight.

A period of binge-eating is produces strong feelings of guilt. A person with anorexia has the obvious signs of emaciation but with a bulimia sufferer, it is really necessary to observe the binge eating. As binge eating is usually carried out secretively, this can create a problem in reaching an early diagnosis. A binge is an episode where an individual eats a much larger amount of food than most people would in a similar situation and it is not a response to intense hunger. The overeating is not caused by hunger, but by feelings of depression and stress. They often binge on comfort foods like potato chips, cakes and cookies.

With this disease there is a risk for damages that will become permanent. Bulimia can also be the reason why a person will get problems with the teeth. It is also likely that these persons have intense psychological problems. One reason is that they are often led to believe that diet and figure are of extreme importance.

The physical problems should be treated symptomatically and also include a diet regime that can control weight without the dangers that this obsession of bulimia can bring. The treatment should continue with counselling for quite some time after returning home from hospital. Any bulimia recovery requires the help of a psychiatrist who can recognize why a person is bulimic and how they can break their binge-and-purge cycle. The binge-eating episode is usually triggered by stress or depression and can happen a few times a week.

Bulimia nervosa is another term for this condition and it can give severe medical complications. On one hand, anorexia nervosa is a condition wherein the person suffering from it is constantly afraid of gaining weight. What triggers a person to suffer from bulimia nervosa cannot be pinpointed exactly as it is usually the result of a number of factors. But, the occurrence of bulimia nervosa can be prevented and in case you are already suffering from it, you can be cured.

Louise Wasa always writes about valuable news. A related resource is Bulimia Treatment Further information can be found at Health News

Have you ever had to distribute door-hanger advertisements for your business?

Have you ever employed door-to-door sales techniques to increase your brand awareness?

Have you ever had to walk mile-after-mile repeating the sales pitch, over and over?

Have you ever had to stand outside of an arena event and pass out flyers to exiting patrons?

If you stop to think of the cold calling technique of door-to door advertising, you would discover how sometimes humiliating it is to have a disinterested and irritated individual slam the door in your face, yell insulting things toward you, or be escorted off of their property. To combat this instantaneous humiliation, the idea of door-hanging advertisements gives the sales person a means of getting the word out to more people faster than before but more importantly, it saves the person the anguish of the advertised becoming irate over the interruption. Having been in situations were I have used these techniques either selling for other companies or trying to gain customers for a newly opened business, I came up with the idea of trying a door-to-driveway or door-to-doorstep advertising campaign to build brand awareness for a national car sales corporation that needed grass roots advertising for the local area around their dealerships.

Basically, I was a car salesman that was responsible for bringing in customers to buy cars, and my pay was determined by how many people actually came in and bought. Since I have leg injuries from an auto accident, I needed to find a way to cover the same amount of territory as my competing sales people. The company already supplied a few thousand door hangers; however, the advertisement brought awareness to all of the local 11 dealerships and I wanted to build awareness just to the dealership that I was at, and more specifically, I wanted the traffic created to come specifically to me.

Keeping in mind the flyer campaign I was apart of at a professional basketball game in which the sales team handed out 7,000 flyers to build awareness of a local college basketball season, I designed a half-page flyer text advertisementtherefore, two ads can be printed on every pagethat put emphasis on my name, my contact information, and schedule. You can substitute any advertising design on this half-page ad.

I chose a colored card-stock weighted paper for printing because I needed paper weight for the distribution method used and a lower cost than the cost of printing in color. Printing black and white on colored paper is easier and cheaper than printing expensive color ads, unless you can afford it. But for the purpose of this campaign, you do not need to spend a fortune making your company look good in print.

Once the printing is done, cut the full-page printed page in half, which produces two half-page ads. Next, take the ads and roll them into a cigar shape and secure with small rubber bands. Tiny rubber bands can be purchased at the local office supply company, but the best bet for the appropriate size can be located at a local beauty supply companyask for small hair braiding bands, usually kept in 500 and 1000 count. Keep a large box handy to place the rolled ads in until it is time to distribute.

Now it is time to distribute. Normally, door hangers would take about 2 hours to distribute 500 hangers and would receive a few inquiries for the effort; so being limited to the amount of walking I could do, I decided to drive a car and throw the ads onto the edge of the driveway at peoples houses. I wanted the advertisement to be in the same placement as the local newspaper so the ad had the best chance to be noticed, picked up, and acted on by the potential customer.

As a homeowner, I myself have had numerous advertisements thrown in my driveway, and as the homeowner I am responsible for picking up the ads in my yard. I have seen ads for grass cutters, electricians, Avon sales, donations to thrift stores, and many more, so any kind of message can be placed on these ads.

Now with the new way to distribute, I could get 2000 ads out in approximately 1 hours and had responses before I returned to the dealership. It makes me wonder how many people really do watch the front of their house and wonder what a slow moving vehicle was throwing at their house. After seeing the instant results of my effort, every sales person at the dealership enacted the same door-to-driveway campaign for the shear fact of the number of ads distributed for the time distributed was achieved with far less effort than before. Results we quicker and slightly higher; but, I do not know the exact increase numbers because I did not do any kind of analysis on exact number of responses for the number distributed. I do know that I got a lot out a lot quicker than before and I didnt have to walk anywhere except to the car.

A few things to keep in mind:
Make sure it is NOT going to rain on the day that you distribute.
Try NOT to distribute after 2:00 PM because of children being released from school and them walking and playing in the streets.
Try NOT to distribute during the weekend because that is when you want people to be acting on the ad that has been delivered, and the kids are in the streets again.
The perfect time seems to be between 10 AM and 12 PM, a two-hour break in morning commute traffic and the beginning of lunch hour traffic.
Keep a map and mark the streets covered as to not deliver in the same area too often.

Written by eRix 2004-08-28 Permission to Reproduce in Entirety.

Webmaster to:

eric b smith tampa, fl
b.a. marketing usf tampa, fl
a.s. information systems hcc tampa, fl

Did you know that certain foods can intensify your heart burn symptoms? If you suffer from acid reflux and are tired of the discomfort, it is important to know what foods will improve your symptoms and what foods create havoc with your indigestion. Here are a couple rules of thumb to follow if you suffer from acid reflux.

Simple Dieting Rules for Acid Reflux

1. Soft is better! Eating soft foods will allow your esophagus to heal from the excessive acid caused by acid reflux.

2. Crunchy is bad! Nuts, crackers, toast, popcorn, cookies, breakfast cereals will make your reflux situation worse by scratching your Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES).

3. Avoid Spicy and Acidic Foods! Spicy and Acidic foods can aggravate your LES and cause heartburn. To prevent this from happening, stay away from these foods, as well as alcohol, beer and soft drinks.

4. One cup of Joe! You should not drink more than one cup of coffer per day!

5. Drink Water! You should try to drink one tall glass of water after every meal to aid with digestion.

Finally, these are only guidelines to help you as you treat your acid reflux. I would also recommend carrying a food journal to document what you eat. You might just discover how your reflux reacts to individual foods! This could be the difference between misery and bliss! Finally, you should also take time to know what particular foods are known to cause heartburn. Here is a list of foods to avoid!

Foods that Cause Acid Reflux

Sour Cream
Milk Shakes
Ice Cream
Cottage Cheese
Orange Juice
Grapefruit Juice
Cranberry Juice
Potatoes (any form)
Ground Beef
Marbled Sirloin
Chicken Nuggets
Buffalo wings
Macaroni and Cheese
Spaghetti Sauce
Granola Bars
Oil and Vinegar Salad Dressings

Finally, take time to educate yourself on acid reflux and natural treatments. I have been heartburn free for years (read my story) because of simply discovering that taking a slice of apple will treat any heartburn flare-ups. In fact, there are numerous natural remedies that you can buy at your local grocery store. If you are interested in risk-free, guaranteed natural remedies please take a minute and visit our website. You would be surprised at what are satisfied customers are saying about our 97% success rate at treating acid reflux.

Cure Your Reflux Today Website

Bob Barton writes for Barton Publishing Inc, a natural health company specializing in research and educating people or natural remedies and safe, affordable cures. Cure acid reflux in hours guaranteed, please click here. Cure Your Reflux Today Website

If you had an intercourse and suspect that you are pregnant then there are ways to know the actual situation by a Pregnancy Test. A Pregnancy Test checks for a special hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), in the urine or the blood. Its presence in the urine or blood indicates that the woman is pregnant. The hormone is also called the pregnancy hormone.

There are two types of pregnancy test, out of which one tests the blood and the other checks the urine for the pregnancy hormone. If you want to check it at home you can do a urine test at home. But if you want to have your blood tested then you have to visit the doctor.

These days women do the Test at home as they are inexpensive, private and easy to use. Urine tests tell you in about 2 weeks after ovulation if you are pregnant. While some urine claims that they can tell about the pregnancy just in a day if you are pregnant as early as one day after the missed period.

The Home pregnancy test can be accurate if they are used properly. If the kits are used according to the directions and if the expiry date is checked they turn out to be accurate. You should also know how to use them and when to you use them.

Birth control as we all know is a method to prevent pregnancy. It helps you to decide when to have a child. There are different forms of birth controls. Each has its own pros and cons. It is necessary to know about all the methods that prevent you from being pregnant and at the same time giving you protection. These methods are used before you have sex. But when you have sex and come to know that you are pregnant then Emergency Pills can help you prevent pregnancy even after the sexual intercourse. They help you when an alternative birth control method fails to prevent pregnancy.

Pregnancy can be prevented even after the intercourse by taking the Emergency Contraceptives pills (EC). These pills give the body a short high, bursts of synthetic that disrupts hormone patterns needed for pregnancy. EC is used within 120 hours after the intercourse and is most effective within 24 hours. This is not an abortion pill. It does not let your pregnancy go away if you are already pregnant.

The pill is also known as the Morning After pill or as post-coital contraception, the emergency pill works within three days of unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy. The levels of progestin are higher than other birth control pills in Emergency Pills. Although the Emergency pills prevent pregnancy up to 75% they do not protect against the reproductive tract infection and HIV/AIDS. The emergency pill is not effective if it is taken more than three days. The sooner it is taken the more effective it is.

Estrogen- containing EC is safe for women but the hormones can increase the risk for developing blood clots. Emergency Contraceptives reduce the likelihood of becoming pregnant but do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

Find more information visit: Pregnancy Test and Birth Control

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