
Watermelon Procedures

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Nature presented to us the splendid possibility to use means for skin care of face of its own preparation. The efforts, which we exerted in the summer period for the care of our appearance, can pass by gift, if we do not apply them in autumn.

During this period of time there is many fruits and vegetables, which beneficially influence our organism both from within and outside. Watermelon - not exception. Masks from the watermelon tone up, they feed and moisten the skin of face. Arbuznaya mask - excellent toning up means, especially with the flabby skin both dry, and fatty. It improves the color of the skin, it makes with its soft and smooth. The cleaning and rejuvenating effect is known since olden times.

For the dry skin:

- watermelon must be mixed and applied to the skin of face. After 15-20 minutes should be washed off the mask by cool water.

- into the ground egg yolk to add the tea spoon of watermelon juice and thoroughly to mix. To apply mask to the skin of face for 15-20 minutes and to wash off by warm boiled water.

- 1 yolk of chicken egg to grind with 1 tea spoon of the juice of watermelon and 1 by tea spoon of corn oil, to add 2 tea spoons of sour cream. To apply mask to face for 15-20 minutes and to wash off by warm boiled water.

- the pulp of watermelon to grind, the obtained pulp to apply to face on 10 - 15 min. Dry, dehydrated, with the pigment spots the skin before putting of mask to wipe with olive or maize of masscrap and to make on 5 - 7 min. the compress: to moisten towel in the hot water, into which is added the soda (1 tea spoon on 1 l of water). Mask to wash off by water of room temperature, the skin to dry by towel and to apply nourishing cream.

- the lotion: mix in the equal proportions watermelon juice, milk and mineral water. By this lotion should be wipe the skin of face each morning.

For the normal skin:

- 1 tea spoon of watermelon juice to mix with 1 egg yolk and 1 by tea spoon of olive oil. This mixture to put on the skin of face for 20 minutes. On the expiration of the time indicated it is necessary to wash off mask by water of room temperature.

- to freeze the juice of watermelon. It is necessary to rub face along the massage lines by the piece of formed ice. The formed crust must be left on face for 15-20 minutes, then washed off by cold water, and to face should be applied nourishing cream.

- the juice of watermelon and ginseng in the equal proportions to thoroughly mix. To apply to face for 15 minutes, then to wash off by water of room temperature.

- into the ground egg yolk to add the tea spoon of arbuznogo juice and thoroughly to mix. To apply mask to the skin of face for 15-20 minutes and to wash off by warm boiled water.

- 2 table spoons of the pulp of watermelon to mix with one tea spoon of bee honey and one table spoon of sour cream. To put this mask on face and to hold 15-20 minutes. On the expiration of the time indicated it is necessary to wash off mask by cool water. This mask wonderfully tones up and it feeds the skin of face.

- Watermelon pulp to wipe with the plum in the equal proportions, to add into this mixture vegetable oil. This mask to apply to purified face. To wash off after 10-15 minutes by water of room temperature.

For the fatty skin:

- to one tea spoon of the juice of watermelon to finish 2-3 tea spoons of the shaken up egg white. Mask to apply to face for 15-20 minutes, then to wash off by cold water. Before this procedure, it is necessary to make a steam tray from the camomile for expanding the times.

- to wipe the skin of face by the lotion, which consists of the cucumber and watermelon juices, in proportion 1:1.

Against the aging:

- if appeared the signs of aging, was irreplaceable watermelon mask. Necessary to take it is somewhat layer gauzes, to moisten by arbuznym juice and for 20 minutes to put on face and neck. Washing mask by boiled water of room temperature, to grease the skin by nourishing cream.

Sally Bienfield - portal moderator.

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