
Cut Your Domestic Fuel Bill. Save Energy And Money.


Most homeowners are energy conscious and would like to do more but the cost of installing energy saving items can be prohibitive. If your boiler is inefficient and you need to replace it with a more efficient system, it could cost you thousands of pounds.

In addition domestic wind turbines, solar panels and ground source heat pumps are expensive and take over ten years to recover your investment. Most homeowners are keen to introduce changes but are trapped by rising costs. With rising fuel cost, homeowners are likely to turn their heating down to save money. This could see the return of hypothermia amongst the elderly this winter.

There is a very effective way to save money and improve the efficiency of your boiler without excessive cost. Attach a magnet to the fuel feed pipe of your central heating burner and you immediately improve combustion. A good magnet cost 65 plus postage but the benefits are enormous and long lasting.

The magnet conditions the gas or oil allowing it to mix better with air. The combustion is, therefore, improved. With better combustion, more energy is produced for the same fuel. If you are contemplating changing your boiler because it is inefficient or old, attach a magnet first and notice the excellent savings you will make. The more inefficient your boiler the more you save because the magnet will improve combustion to as near to 100% as you can get.

With improved combustion, the burner will need less servicing. In time the magnet will gradually clean the burner of deposited soot. Your service engineer may ask you if you used the burner since last serviced because it will be so clean. Your burner will last longer.

You save money on your domestic fuel bills, your maintenance and prolong the life of your boiler.

With Climate change a major issue, the magnet by providing a cleaner burn, will reduce harmful emission from your burner. This will be an important problem in time as governments tighten emission from domestic central heating systems. A magnet will help you comply with future changes in emission laws.

Even though you are still using fossil fuel, by attaching a magnet you are making efficient use of it.

In the past magnets were large and heavy but with new alloys, magnets are small, light and more powerful. A neodymium magnet of say 8000 gauss weigh 20 gms while the comparable Alnico magnet weighs 90 Kg. A neodymium magnet retains its magnetic properties for 100 years.

Magnets are easy to fit. Just identify the fuel pipe leading to the burner then attach to this pipe by straps and simply forget about it. The next thing you will do is turn the setting of your central heating system down because your home and your water will be hotter at that setting.

Magnets do not need maintenance. It will continue to be effective and when you move house, just remove it and attach it to the boiler in your new home.

With rising fuel cost, it makes sense to attach a magnet to your boiler this winter. You will recover your cost in no time.

If your grandparents or parents are likely to be affected this winter by the rising fuel cost, why dont you fit a magnet for them as a winter warmer present? Isnt it nice to know that they will turn the setting of their heating system down not to save money but because it is too hot?

Copyright 2006 Dr Phil Hariram

Dr.Phil Hariram is an Independent Ecoflow Distributor. He has cut his monthly direct debit heating bill for Calorgas(LPG) by 110% by attaching a Thermoflow magnet manufactured by Ecoflow, a innovative company that patented Central Reverse Polarity in magnets.

What's the Way You MP3?


As varied as the tastes and preferences of the people, is the variety of MP3 players available in the market. Which one you choose depends on a number of factors, such as how you plan to make use of the device, the number of songs you would like to carry in the instrument and of course if the price of the instrument suits you or not. MP3 players are generally based on their memory type. In a Flash Memory MP3 player, which is also the smallest and lightest of the three types of players available, only few songs are stored and since it does not have any moving parts, the flash player is ideal for a patron who is not so particular about the kind of music one hears. It is ideally suited for those who want music as just an accompaniment to their morning jog or golf game. Because the flash memory player is smallest, it offers the advantage of the batteries lasting longer.

In Hard Drive MP3 players there is a considerably larger storage capacity since they are bigger and heavier. Those looking for a player that can store their entire music collection would find the hard drive ideally suited for the purpose. But since the hard drive includes some moving parts, sometimes the music skips a beat or two when the player is being moved around. On the flip side, because of the sheer size of hard drive players, they include more in-built features, though consumes more battery. A charged battery could last for about 8-20 hours.

Although cheaper than flash memory and hard drive memory players, MP3 CD players give users a reason to complaint when music skips due to jostling of CDs. Also, such music players are much larger in size than their digital counterparts. Music patrons who still long for old-fashioned CD players could go for a new breed of CD players which are capable of playing MP3 and other digital files. MP3 CD players are capable of playing MP3 files that have been burned to CD-R/RW discs and even albums from your old collection of CDs. Each CD could hold about 10 hours of music. A CD burner becomes necessary for buyers of an MP3 CD player.

Copyrights protected article written by Andrew Stratton for More articles and information about the Music and Entertainment can be viewed easily altogether at this location Please be free to explore the website for more information on every surveillance products and their features.

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Losing a date happens when you have acted in a way that is a turnoff. Often, when a recent date does not return your phone calls or emails, your first reaction might be to find something wrong with him or her. However, before you do that, look to your own behavior. There are several reasons you can count on, that will turn dates away. If you have ever wondered why he or she does not want to see you again, it may have something to do with the following: going out with you may not be fun because of your negative talk.

You can lose a date by using a continual stream of cutting remarks about your boss, coworkers, family, friends, people in general, or...YOUR EX. Nasty comments can make you extremely unattractive in almost all situations. But sarcastic descriptions of your ex, or whining about what your ex did to you, is a major turnoff when you are on a date.

When you are dating someone new, remember this: you don't need a third person with you. You especially don't need someone there who you have been in an intimate relationship with in the past. This line of conversation makes your current date feel uncomfortable. When you talk about your ex, you put him or her right there in the middle of your getting to know each other.

You can't win doing this. If you say something nice about him or her, your date will automatically think you are still in love. If you say negative things, the person you are with may think you will say the same about them behind their back. It also makes you sound like a victim or a loser. And whatever you say about the ex, it will seem like you have not handled your baggage. This kind of baggage is not attractive.

Instead of losing the date, lose the baggage. Three people on a date is just plain crowded. Stay in the moment, stay happy, and stay interested in the person you are with. This is how you keep a date.

Visit Or for more tips, skills, and insight on dating, relationships, singles, and love. Subscribe to our Free Savvy Dating Newsletter from master single's coach, life coach, and syndicated columnist, Tonja Weimer. Copyright 2006, Tonja Weimer. (Please note source if reprinting this article.)

Paranormal Thoughts


What is It?

Paranormal is really a compound term made into a single word by joining up "para" and "normal". Para means beyond, and so the meaning we attach to paranormal is something or some event that is beyond our normal understanding of the world. There are many such phrases in the English language. We have metaphysics, supernatural, parapsychology and so on. But all these words are really very complex because their meanings are not well defined. In what sense?

The problem with any language is that each word is a mere representation and not the thing itself. The word apple is not the physical object itself but the label we use to represent it. Nouns are for the most part the least complex to properly understand and convey. Consider another word. Intrinsic. We may have some understanding of what it means but we also know it can be used in different ways and its meaning will change with the context in which it is used. Quite complex. Anyway, this is not a lesson in grammar so lets get on with paranormal.

To some people it's all about ghosts. To others it's UFOs, Loch Ness Monster, etc. Notice the difference. Ghosts are generally thought to be the spirits of people whove passed away whereas UFOs and the Loch Ness Monster are almost exclusively recognised as physical entities whose origins cannot be explained. In addition, when we mix into this our religious beliefs, ghosts represent life after death which is why the whole subject of spiritual existence excites our interest. For this reason, I'll leave UFOs and such like to another article if I may.

There are many people in this world who will tell you that a belief in spiritual existence is nothing more than a way of drawing comfort in the face of certain death. But if there is a way in which our experiences and memories could persist in some fashion, even though our physical body is no more, this undoubtedly acts as a source of immense comfort and provides closure to people who maintain such beliefs. Most especially, it brings psychological relief to those whose fate, it seems, is to suffer disproportionately to most others, from one thing or another. But some argue that it is precisely for this reason, and this reason alone, that such beliefs exist in the first place. A real chicken and egg situation.

How Far Does It Get Us

So how far does this get us? I'm sure you've seen many documentary type programs on TV where a particular house or castle is investigated because it has a reputation of being haunted. Most of us have seen the light orbs floating across the screen, mediums supposedly being taken over by spirits, unexplained noises, doors opening or closing by themselves and the like being recorded and played back. Some of it is of course quite convincing and yet the very fact that none of it is taken seriously by the scientific community means that all of it still lives in the land of fantasy and fiction. So were back to faith versus fact. But we can be certain of at least one thing concerning these issues and that is that just because something has not been scientifically proven to be a fact does not mean it is false. I know it is stating the obvious but people sometimes lose sight of this and assume everything is false unless proven to be true.

There are many religions that try to justify the negative aspects of life on earth by using the belief in an existence beyond this world as the object of all our endeavours here on earth. Some say that what we do here determines where we go when we die. Others take a slightly inverted view and say that what we did in previous existences has resulted in the kind of life here and what we do this time will further shape the kind of life we can expect in the next episode. So not only do these faiths firmly uphold the existence of life beyond the physical but go even further to explain the consequences of how we choose to live.

I think that the only way we can conclude this article is to say once and for good whether or not it makes any sense (logical, spiritual or scientific) at all to maintain a degree of faith in such things. My personal opinion is that when it comes to matters of faith, seek to prove it to no one but yourself. If you are happy with your own conclusions, force it on no one but also do not be afraid to proclaim your faith if the occasion arises.

I am the author of an new fantasy/fiction novel Will of Dreams in which you may find a moral or two worth reading. Please click on to visit the site and learn more about the author and the book. Thank you for your attention.

There is no doubt that many teens are scouring the internet looking for the same thing that their older counterparts are - love. Plugging in the term dating tips for teens, one would assume would yield thousands of results. What the results are based on is a parents guide and advice for the parents of teens.

There is a lack of true guides and dating tips that are actually aimed at teens but never fear, now you have found one and here are a few tips that can help you with your online dating relationship.

1. Online Teen Dating Sites
There are hundreds of online dating sites, but most are geared for adults. That does not mean that teens do not sometimes tell stories about their ages, but it generally does not do them a whole lot of good. What you have to realize is that being honest even though your not 18 is the best way to go.

Think about it this way if you list on your profile that you are older than 18 (even if you look older) what is going happen when the person finds that you are not the correct age?

Not only will you lose your relationship you could also get the individual into legal trouble and also get kicked off the dating site. So is a few weeks worth of lying about your age really worth it? Anyway you want to look for someone that is closer to your age and there are sites designed for teens only.

2. Because they say it is so
As you know from everyone telling you over and over life experience is not on your side. While that is not what you want to hear it is true and you must keep it in mind. One of the leading issues that you must learn that others have learned through hard experience is that just because someone says something on their profile doesnt always make it so. Always look at profiles skeptically because they may not be telling the entire truth. It may be their age, weight, looks, career or something else that is different from the truth. So when youre talking to someone that you believe is 17 years of age they could actually be 40 years old.

Sometimes people claim that they are in different geographical areas because they are leery of others knowing their exact location for safety reasons. This is understandable, but after you have been speaking with someone for a while you should not be finding discrepancies in their stories consistently. Always remember - safety first!

3. Where to go
Stay with the teen dating sites, there are several of them and a little research will help you find even more. For space reasons only a few of the teen communities sites will be discussed. Of course there are sites such as my that have grown tremendously in popularity in the past three years. This is a free site and individuals can build a profile that hundreds of friends can join. This site is not only here for teens, but adults as well so be careful of who you are talking with. Remember that just because someone says something does not always make it true. There are signs that are geared for teens only that are recommended over my space for this reason.

At E spin the bottle they are dedicated to the online meeting of teens. With an estimated four million person membership there are plenty of people to choose from. Members are allowed to post pictures as well as information in their profile that tells others about them, their hobbies, and other personality information. There are other things on the site such as fun quizzes/tidbits and others ways of having a good time. Granted this is not educational information, but it is meant to be just for fun.

Teens spot is another site dedicated to teens that offer a variety of things to do. They have a large membership and have built a very popular site, and have great chat boards and other communication with teens from around the world. This site offers further dating tips for teens as well.

Remember, the whole dating experience should be an enjoyable one so keep safety in mind and try out a few of the sites and tips mentioned above and have fun.

Lee Blackspur is the owner of which provides online and offline dating tips, advice and articles for men, women and teens of all ages and experience.

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