
Florida's Gay Population and a Florida Gay Alcohol Rehab


Florida's gay and lesbian population is growing daily and with it is a growing need for gay and lesbian services. For the purpose of this article we are concerned with gay drug rehab, gay dual diagnosis and gay alcohol rehab services. Regardless of where a person is from, they bring their personal history with them. In the case of the gay and lesbian, the personal histories of which I speak are related to prejudice, discrimination, internalized hompohobia and shame. Growing up gay and having to deal with the attitudes of the general public and family, have led many gay and lesbians to the world of drug addiction and alcoholism. Unfortunately, what happens is the attitudes of the heterosexual population become worse as the gay man or woman becomes drug dependent and their ability to cope with their feelings diminish even more.

Florida Gay Alcohol Rehab

Now imagine that we ask a gay or lesbian to check into an alcohol rehab run by a group of heterosexual men and women. It is like asking an anorexic to check into an addiction treatment program for compusive overeaters. This could be their worst nightmare. Don't misunderstand me, this doesn't mean that the alcohol rehab has to be run by all gay men and women. That is not the real world. The alcohol rehab must, as a minimum, have a gay alcohol rehab component, within the alcohol rehab itself. This will provide the gay or lesbian with a "safe space" in which to express their feelings and thoughts without thinking they are being judged. Their are many other clinical benefits derived from a gay alcohol rehab run in this fashion, such as being able to eal with internalized homophobia, but it also allow for the heterosexual to deal with their own homophobia. Everybody wins!

Jonathan Huttner is a partner in Lakeview Health Systems's a alcohol and drug rehab, which has its own gay friendly alcohol rehab component called Freedom Rings. Freedom rings provides alcohol and drug rehab for the GLBT population.

For additional information on an alcohol rehab program that has a gay alcohol rehab component call 1-800-511-9225 or go to If you are not concerned with whether the alcohol rehab is gay focused, then go to

The appearance and characteristics of the bodies of angels, ghosts and deities show marked similarities and suggest that they are composed of the same substance - magnetic plasma. Magnetic plasma, besides generating electromagnetic fields, is a good conductor of electricity and radiator of electromagnetic waves.

1.Emission of Light and Colorful Auras

Unlike our physical bodies which are visible because of reflected light; angels, ghosts and deities emit light as a result of interactions between particles in their bodies and high energy particles in the environment similar to what happens in auroras and inside fluorescent lamps. This is why angels, ghosts and deities glow brightly in the dark.

The aura that is radiated by these higher energy entities is generated in the same way that an aurora is generated. In the case of an aurora, electrons passing through space are captured by the Earths magnetic field and follow spiral or helical tracks about the magnetic lines of force and in the process collide with gases in the neutral atmosphere generating the aurora. Similarly, charged particles (popularly referred to as particles of 'qi', 'prana' or 'kundalini' in the metaphysical literature) are captured by the electromagnetic fields of the bodies of angels, ghosts and deities; which then flow down (or up) twisted magnetic (helical or spiral) lines of force into their higher energy bodies generating colorful auras as they react with the particles in the environment and in the subtle bodies. Furthermore, their bodies are also 'thermochromic.' A thermochromic body produces color changes in response to the heat generated by electrical currents within the higher energy subtle bodies.

2.Features Associated with Magnetic Plasma

Angels, ghosts and deities also have features associated with the Sun. This is not surprising as the Sun is a big ball of magnetic plasma. Coronal auras and discharges, granulation and spicules are all features associated with the Sun and magnetic plasma bodies. The coronal aura is even more pronounced for angels and in apparitions of saints or deities. Coronal discharges and flares can occur suddenly on the Sun. The various particles that are discharged, together with these flares, are carried by the Suns plasma wind to cause magnetic storms on Earth. Similarly, the coronal auras of saints and deities blast-out particles that may have a harmful or positive effect on the observers body. Spicules are short-lived phenomena, corresponding to rising jets of gas that move upward and last only a few minutes on the Sun. Spicules can also be seen in the coronas of angels, ghosts and deities.

3.Balls of Light

The natural stable shape of magnetic plasma bodies is ovoid. The membrane of this ovoid may be transparent. Within the ovoid, composed of low density magnetic plasma, a holographic thought-form may be generated. On May 13, 1917 a sudden strong wind on a calm day startled three peasant children out of a game they were playing and they saw across the valley a dazzling globe of light, like a miniature Sun, gliding slowly towards them. As it approached, the ball of light gradually resolved itself into a brilliantly shining young man. According to the children they saw "a light whiter than snow in the shape of a transparent young man, who was more brilliant than a crystal struck by the rays of the Sun."

When internal frequencies change, magnetic plasma can become translucent or transparent (this is a natural property of magnetic plasma). In other words, the opacity of the bodies of angels, ghosts and deities can be manipulated electromagnetically allowing the bodies to apparently appear, disappear or fade away. Ghosts, angels and religious figures have frequently been reported to be transparent or translucent and casting faint shadows. This betrays the fact that their bodies are composed of magnetic plasma.

Ghosts also have been reported to be in the form of vortices (like a moving cyclone) or vapor. All these forms are compatible with descriptions of magnetic plasma and its dynamics.

4.Passing through Objects

Being composed of low density plasma, ghosts can pass through you, walls and other ghosts. They are composed of 'collisionless plasma' - just like Earth's plasmasphere. This is also a characteristic of collisionless dark matter. Ron Cowen says, "Evidence indicates that when speeding fragments of dark matter meet, they dont collide as other matter do but pass right through each other, ghostlike." According to plasma metaphysics a lot of dark matter is in the form of a plasma of super (i.e. supersymmetric) particles and objects. You are unlikely to 'collide' with ghosts but electromagnetic effects can be felt if their bodies glide near or through your own magnetic plasma body. There could be changes in frequencies (which correspond to changes in energy levels) and distributions of charges over your own subtle magnetic plasma body.

5.Electromagnetic Nature and Radiation of Long-Range "Radio" Waves

In encounters with ghosts, lights may go on and off without any mechanical change in the position of the light switch. Similarly, messages may appear on a computer screen without any movement of keys on the computer keyboard. Some have even claimed that broadcasts of various beings residing in parallel planes have been transmitted and received by television. This is not inconceivable considering that ghosts have magnetic plasma bodies which are good radiators of electromagnetic waves, analogous to long range radio waves. When these waves are modulated by the thoughts of the owner, telepathy can take place. The radio waves become part of the remotely-sensed electromagnetic spectrum of these bodies - just like visual, infrared, or ultraviolet emissions. This allows these entities to communicate their mental and emotional states to human beings through our higher energy (magnetic plasma) bodies.

6.Appearing and Disappearing

The bodies of these entities are generally not composed of standard particles (i.e. particles that are currently known to Science and included within the physicists' 'Standard Model'.) They are composed of much higher energy super (or supersymmetric) particles and objects. These higher energy particles cannot be observed by scientists currently - using particle accelerators which can only probe lower energy particles. Human beings or animals that use the sensory systems of their higher energy bodies can see these plasma-based life-forms.

Alternatively, higher energy entities can 'step-down' the frequencies of the waves they radiate intermittently; intentionally or unintentionally; thereby becoming momentarily visible to those who are sensing them through their physical-biomolecular bodies. In these cases, these ordinarily invisible entities composed of dark matter become temporarily visible to most of us. The frequency of electromagnetic waves is related to its energy. As the energy of the body (particularly bodies in the lowest energy plane which is usually referred to as the 'physical-etheric' plane by metaphysicists) drops, the body becomes visible momentarily in our low energy world.

7.Changing Appearances

The psychological states of angels, ghosts and deities can modify their appearances in an instant. A being which is depressed would appear differently from one who is happy. From a dark evil-looking appearance, an entity can be transformed to a bright and beautiful angel in minutes when the internal psychological state changes. Changes in psychological states can change the brightness, clarity, shape and colors of the thermochromic bodies of angels, ghosts and deities by effecting changes in the electromagnetic field of the body. The holographic thought-form generated within the ovoid also changes if another persistent thought-form replaces the current one. Since your own magnetic plasma body radiates electromagnetic waves, an entity can also change its appearance in accordance with your expectations by tuning into these frequencies.


There is much evidence that ghosts, angels and deities are composed of magnetic plasma. Once this is accepted more widely, a more rigorous scientific framework can be formulated for the study of these entities. This framework will significantly increase our understanding of angels, ghosts and deities and may even allow us to communicate with lower frequency entities in the near-future.

Jay Alfred 2007

Jay Alfred is the author of three books on a new field called 'plasma metaphysics'. The books include 'Our Invisible Bodies', 'Brains and Realities' and 'Between the Moon and Earth'. Plasma metaphysics is the application of plasma and dark matter physics to the study of our high energy subtle bodies and their corresponding environments. These bodies include the 'bioplasma' bodies and 'astral' bodies found in the metaphysical literature. Plasma metaphysics provides an internally consistent framework for the study of these bodies against the backdrop of modern physics. The books are available at

Well if you are thinking of starting a mobile oil change business it will not be as easy as you think. First off you must be good at marketing and careful how you pick your customers too. For instance you really need to get 20% of your business in personal cars and 80% in fleet vehicles. What kind of marketing should you do?

Well, for mobile Oil Changing, we have found that a sales letter, picture of unit doing services (with two technicians) and a business card on a paper clip works best for fleet sales. Do not mail them, drop them off in person with unit in a conspicuous place; then flyer the area every month to two months (1/2 sheet card stock - no fluorescent paper).

Direct Personal Contact Sales

Direct sales work much better than any other type of selling, although specific targeting of your customers with cold-calling works well too, yet at some point you will need to make a personal visit. You should initially use direct sales as your primary sales technique. Casually walk into businesses and offer your services. Other forms of initial contact will include fax marketing to only specific types of fleet businesses (only once), e-mail offers (only once), flyer distribution, some companies you can make corporate onsite oil change proposals.

We used a CD ROM interactive demo disks, oil change fundraisers and oil change "free-bee" giveaways. I recommend you wait until you get a little bigger for that. You must practice your sales pitch lines and if you hire employees or sale people give them a "sales pitch" digital recording and put it on their 3G cell phone to listen too and update periodically or on cassette tapes. This way sales people will play these tapes in their work trucks so all crew members can close sales and up-sell customers instantly in the parking lots and offices. You see Bryan you must be always thinking about expanding and market share (winning).

You must also establish recommended pricing policies as an avenue of profitability. When you find something that works extremely well in one city then push it in similar areas. You must encourage retention of your customer base and market segments of the highest possible profit in the services you provide. You want repeat customers for your business, so you must find a happy medium for your clients (supply and demand). Don't give it away, but do not get so costly that you lose customers who would have been your best word of mouth advertising.

Promotional Strategies:

For promotions you might consider giving out oil change door prizes at civic group meetings, bingo nights, chamber of commerce, etc. or planning oil change fundraisers at least once per month for kids or "5th Caller" on Listen While You Work gets a free oil change at their office. We use to sponsor civic programs such as Neighborhood Mobile Watch Program, Arson Watch Program, etc.


Your advertising should be simple, inexpensive, and yet extensive and must include such things as advertising where government procurement folks will read your ads. Also I recommend Direct Mailings of Previous Customers with Fleet Sales Campaigns (Every Three Months). The promotional must be worked in also such as Radio Packages (try to trade for prizes - free promotions work best).

Here is a thought to help you with your new business and to make sure you read up on all the important aspects of the mobile oil change business. Go to this website: . At the top there is a "search feature" so type in: "Mobile Oil Change."

Then read all those articles and make a list of questions for me. This will be about a 2-3 day exercise ( I think there are some 100 articles there on the subject), but well worth it in your education on running the Mobile Oil Change Business or really any mobile service business for that matter, as the information comes from many different types of service business sub-sectors.

L. Winslow is an Economic Advisor to the Online Think Tank, a Futurist and retired entrepreneur . Currently he is planning a bicycle ride across the US to raise money for charity and is sponsored by and all the proceeds will go to various charities who sign up.

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