
Happy Birthday Harley Davidson - 100 Years of Harley Davidson


One Hundred years is quite a milestone for anything to reach. One that the finest motorcycle company on the planet has deservedly attained.

To think that it all humbly started with a couple fellows' dream of creating a motorized bicycle. It was a shaky start when young William Harley and Arthur Davidson first began. Early models still used manpower to make it up hills. But that never stopped this determined duo from testing, tweaking, changing and finally succeeding to create a motorcycle that still is popular today.

The first Harley Davidson motorcycle was created in 1903 with a single cylinder, three horsepower motor. In 1906, Harley Davidson manufactured the first 50 motorcyles bearing their name. The V-twins that would make the young company a household name came out about 1909. 1912 brought out the "Free Wheel Control" which was one of the industries first clutch system.

Today's distinct rumble is one of the few sounds, other than copywritten and contract material, that has been the subject of litigation. Listening to the strength of a Harley Davidson engine is one of those things that sends shivers up the spines of the true believers.

The "Choppers", we love so, were born when the angle of the motorcycle's front fork was further extended letting the handlebars to sit further back. "Hogs" were named for the extra room used to transport racing pigs without switching to a larger vehicle.

No other motorcycles or choppers have inspired the fan following that can produce the massive bike events of Daytona, Sturgis, Myrtle Beach or Laconia. Not to mention the hundreds of smaller sponsored rides and events. Literally hundreds of thousands of motorcycle riders and fans surge to these communities annually for week long events. Sponsors and vendors will set up shop in mall parking lots and event centers to show off their wares. From T-shirts to custom bikes, choppers and trikes line the streets, making the areas a photographers' heaven! Feel free to take a look at the bikes of Myrtle Beach, at CustomChopperGarage.Com

In 1983, H.O.G., The Harley Owners Group, formed its first chapter. Today more than 1,000 chapters are in existence and more than one million members share their love of these bikes, whether owners or fans. The devotion to these classic bikes is proven, and you do not have to be among the elite to enjoy all there is to Harley Davidson.

Owning a Harley Davidson can be a life's dream for some. They are not an inexpensive purchase for sure, but some things are simply worth the higher price tag, plain and simple. If you are the lucky owner of a Harley, you know the love and care that is given to that member of the family.

Corky Devendorf maintains CustomChopperGarage.Com for fellow enthusiasts of Harley Davidson Motorcycles. Articles and resources of an ever expanding variety, from digital screensavers to how-to descriptions to customize and personalize your own bike. Stop by for your free Customizing ideas! Custom Chopper Garage.Com

Time Management In College


One of the biggest concerns of college students is how they are going to juggle everything and keep everyone happy. Most people think (sometimes parents included) that college is a time of fun and little stress. Those that have gone to college may remember that studying, keeping up and lack of sleep is far from a walk in the park. There are several issues, events and social interactions that college students are expected to maintain all in limited time. There are many stressors during this time of life and can leave students frustrated as well as exhausted. The worries of balancing academics, sports, friends, family, employment and sleep are worrisome. Managing time is not only a difficult task for college students, but also the general population. Here are some great ways to manage time and still get everything done, or close to it anyway!

Understanding Your Internal Clock

No, we are not talking about your alarm clock that rings two hours too early every morning. Did you even know that you have an internal clock? This can be seen by the difference in people and their sleep habits. Ever noticed that some people regardless of an alarm clock or not wake up 7:00 am on the dot, regardless of what time they went to bed the night before. Others have trouble waking up regardless of the fact that the alarm clock has been screaming for an hour. This is because their internal clock is preset and is different from person to person. So what does this have to do with time management? Understanding when you have the best concentration, feel your best and are the most alert will help you determine the best time to study. Studying is a huge factor and time stealer of college students, so make the most of the session.

If you are an early bird then plan on studying in the morning, at breakfast or shortly there after. If this is your alert time and when you are best able to learn or retain information than make the most of it. On the other hand if you are a night own and are best able to work or understand at dark then study at night. The only concern with studying at night is the fact that you may be tired from a hard days work and have trouble concentrating. Remember the importance of knowing your body to understand when you are at your best, that way you will not spend hours spinning your wheels and not get any studying done.

Having Appropriate Tools

Make sure that you invest in a pocket calendar so that you can manage your time and make sure that you make your appointments as well as engagements. Keeping up with events and upcoming dates is one of the most important aspects of managing time. That way you do not overbook yourself and promise the weekend meal with your family the same time as a banquet or other social engagement.

As far as academics it is important to have the appropriate material, texts and study guides to make the most of your academic time. If you will spend a little extra time and take good notes, keep your material organized then you will not spend half your time looking for your homework! Unorganization is a leading loss of time for everyone on the planet!

Balancing Social VS Academics

Finding time between keeping up with your academic work and your friends is sometimes very strenuous. Everyone wants to go out and eat, spend a day on the lake or watch a movie instead of writing an English essay. It is important to keep your studies up though because it is easy to fail a class. Not only does this cost you or your parents an arm and leg, but it also puts you behind. You came to college to earn a degree in academics not socializing. There is a time and place for everything, but put your college career first. Allot so much time to your friends, sports and other activities in order to avoid running out of time. If something must be skipped make sure that is not your school work. If you miss a test or perform poorly, your grades, scholarship and other financial aid status can suffer, but your friends will forgive you.

As for balancing sports and academics, you have to do just that, balance it. This can be a very trying feat because both can take a great deal of dedication and time. Again remember that you will not be able to continue your sports and be the star of the basketball team if you flunk out. Ever heard of the “no pass no play rule”? It gets excellent athletes all the time, how good are you on the bench?

Rid of Distractions

If you are trying to achieve a goal and there are several distracting factors you probably will not accomplish them. Ridding or removing the distractions is the best way to get your wish list completed in record time. Background music or other slight noise is acceptable during study time, but rap music, loud music or the blasting television needs to be eliminated. You can not study when your friends are having a party or a loud get together in the next room either. Pick a time and place that is quite and free of distractions to study.

Gene Grzywacz is author of the Brute Force Study Guide and dedicated to teaching study skills to students. The website offers many college tips.

As an adult have you experiencedbut not limited to the following?

Little or no memory of childhoodage 3 to 12
Trouble with relationshipson the job, in your family,
Low self-esteem,
Panic attacksmild to severe,
Inability to trust or trusting indiscriminately,
alcohol/drug abuse,
Obsessive compulsive behavior,
Nightmares of being chased, trapped or surreal,
Sensory flashesunable to identify images,
Suicidal thoughts or attempts,
A sense of going crazy or feeling unreal compared to others
Shame, guilt,
Sense of underlying humiliation,
Baseless crying,
Angry outbursts/rage seemingly for no reason,
Inability to recognize feelings,
Mood swings,
Emotional shut down,
Numbing or zoning out,
Arthritis/joint pain,
Diagnosis of ADD or ADHD,
Labeled an airhead
Chronic/acute fear,
Eating disordersanorexia, bulimia, obesity,
Gastrointestinal/gynecological disorders,
Chronic fatigue,
Chronic back painL3, L4 and/or L5 region
Cancerpredominatelyvaginal, cervical or ovarian in women; testicular, prostate in men; however cancer of any kind can be as a result of physical or sexual abuse. Cancer is anger/rage turned against the self.
Prostitute/promiscuous sex,
Inability to orgasm
Dissociative Identity DisorderMPD
Self-injuryself-abuse, self-mutilation (cutting, burning, breaking bones, pinching skin, ingesting, injecting and inserting foreign materials, interfering with the healing process of wounds, punching, slapping, picking skin, pulling hair, bloodletting, tattooing, piercing
Wearing baggy clothes or clothes a size or two sizes too large
Aversion to opposite sexincluding homosexuality/lesbian
Use of pornographyprint, video
Enjoy peep shows, topless dancers,
Become a porn star or pimp,
Sex offendersmale and female

Suggested Reading:

Heal Your Body, Louise L. Hay
The Courage to Heal, Ellen Bass and Laura Davis
Secret Survivors: Uncovering Incest and Its Aftereffects in Women, E. Sue Blume
Allies in Healing: When the Person You Love Was Sexually Abused as a Child Laura Davis
Thou Shalt Not Be Aware: Societys Betrayal of the Child, Alice Miller
Breaking Down the Walls of Silence: The Liberating Experience of Facing Painful Truth Alice Miller
The Untouched Key: Tracing Childhood Trauma in Creativity and Destructiveness Alice Miller, et al
Banished Knowledge: Facing Childhood Injuries, Alice Miller
Trauma, Amnesia and the Denial of Abuse, Robert Falconer, et al., eds.
Victims No Longer: Men Recovering from Incest, Mike Lew
Wounded Boys, Heroic Men: A Mens Guide to Recovering from Child Abuse Daniel Sonkin
Broken Boys/Mending Men: Recovery from Child Sexual Abuse, Stephen GrubmanBlack
Female Sexual Abuse of Children, Michele Eliott, ed.
The Last Secret: Daughters Sexually Abused by Mothers, Bobbie Rosencrans

If you have experienced one or more of these 'symptoms' you could be a physical or sexual abuse survivor.

Healing the emotional wounds of physical or sexual abuse is possible. Talk therapy, antidepressants and/or antipsychotic drugs are inadequate to uncover the emotional pain, and heal the trauma trapped in muscles and tissue. To fully appreciate the depth of this pain, I will quote one of my clients, "Even my blood hurts." A multifaceted healing process specifically focused on physical and sexual abuse recovery and diligent work is the most effective; wherein the survivor can replenish their emotional and spiritual identity and empowerment.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, author, "If I'd Only Known...Sexual Abuse in or Out of the Family: A Guide to Prevention, specializes in: Mind, Body, Spirit healing and Physical/Sexual Abuse Prevention and Recovery. As an inspirational leader, Dr. Neddermeyer empowers people to view life's challenges as an opportunity for Personal/Professional Growth and Spiritual Awakening.

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