
Swinger House Parties - What To Do When Attending A Private Swinger House Party

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With all the excitement and preparations of attending a private swinger house party, it can be easy to forget about the simple things you can to do to set you apart from all the other guests. Here are some tips to help make your night at the party a great one, and stay on the guest list for future parties:

  • Be Responsive: When receiving a house party invitation, read it carefully and make sure to respond by the RSVP date. Since a house party can only accommodate a certain number of guests, be polite and let the hosts know in advance if you are unable to make it so they can invite another couple to replace you. If you find you cannot go after making a reservation, call back and cancel so the host can invite someone waiting for an opening.
  • Be Generous: Party hosts spend a lot of time making arrangements for parties. They have to choose who to invite, send the invitations, prepare the house, the entertainment, and the food and drinks. If there is no financial cost for you to attend the party, use good manners and bring a gift for the hosts. It could be a bottle of wine, or a keepsake for the hostess.
  • Be Cooperative: Everyone has a different opinion of proper operating procedures. If your hosts are into a different thing, go along with it despite any prior expectations you may have had. When youre the host you can do it your way!
  • Be Respectful: Just like you, not everyone is comfortable in all situations. Be attentive to the fact that your partner, as well as others, may not be relaxed or enjoying themselves. Keep in mind that not all people feel the same way about things, so if it is obvious that things are not working out remain polite and courteous, but alert the host.
  • Be Honest: Do not allow yourself to become sexually involved with anybody that you are not interested in. You are at the party to enjoy yourself, so only do what you want, when you want, and with whom you want.
  • Avoid Being Pushy: If you are interested in swinging with another couple, let them know in a friendly way. If they are likewise interested, they will respond in a positive manner. If they are not interested and respond with a No thank you, do not ask WHY. Everyone has the right to say NO at all times, to anyone, without an explanation. No amount of sweet-talking or coercion on your part will change their mind, and will probably work against you.
  • Keep It Fun: If it is a theme party, plan on dressing that way. If you do not like the theme, do not go. You will change the atmosphere and drag others down. Many theme parties call for costumes or special party wear. Swinging is fun, so go with it!
  • Be Appreciative: It is always good manners to thank your hosts for inviting you into their home. You should do it in person during the party and after the party with a thank you card or a phone call. Everyone likes to feel appreciated, so your hosts will remember you and most likely add you to the guest list of their next party.

Adrienne Taylor is the author of Getting Your Wife Or Girlfriend To Become A Swinger. She has surveyed thousands of swingers around the world. Get your copy of her book at:

Learn how to get your wife or girlfriend into the Swinging Lifestyle. Start by visiting her web site at:

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