
A Dallas group dental insurance plan can help support the company in many ways. Dental insurance is an important part of the overall employee benefits that the company uses to attract and retain the best employees in the area.

But there are important medical reasons beyond the health and well being of employees' teeth and gums. Serious health conditions can often be first detected during a routine dental exam. With today's spiraling health care costs, forward-thinking companies are smart to focus on preventative care and early detection and treatment of diseases. This not only helps the employer to lower employee health care expenses, and lower medical insurance premiums, but it helps lower absenteeism due to illness.

A routine dental checkup can often be the first detection of very serious diseases such as diabetes, which is linked to gum disease and cavities. And osteoporosis is often an early warning symptom of loose teeth. Catching and treating these diseases in the early stages can greatly reduce the damage they can have on an employee's life, and reduce the medical expense claims to the company's group health insurance plan.

The group dental plan helps to make oral care affordable and routine for employees. Healthy teeth and gums actually leads to healthy employees. Teeth and gum disease can make employees more likely to have serious health problems. For example, studies have shown that women who have peridontal disease have a much higher likelihood of having premature and low birth weight babies.

The direct medical expenses to to businesses for employees who have premature babies is about fifteen times higher than for employees who have full-term deliveries. And ongoing health problems and medical expenses are considerably higher for premature infants, as is absenteeism for the parents of premature infants.

There is also a medically proven relationship between gum and tooth disease and health and circulatory disease and stroke. New studies have shown that inflammation of the gums can contribute to clot formation in the arteries.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reports that over three quarters of adults over age 35 have peridontal disease. A good Dallas employee benefits agency or Dallas group health insurance agency can help your company select an affordable group dental insurance plan that will improve the oral health and the overall wellness of employees and their families.

There are many types of group dental insurance plans that a company can choose from. These include DHMO (Dental Health Maintenance Organization) plans, Dental PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) plans, and Dental Indemnity plans. These plans vary widely in the variety of choice of dentists that the employee can visit, as well as in the premium cost and the dental benefits contained within the plan.

If the company has implemented a consumer driven health plan, such as a health savings account or a health reimbursement arrangement, employees may also be able to pay for out of pocket medical expenses on a pre-tax basis. This can help make good oral health even more affordable for a Texas company's employees and their families.

A knowledgeable Dallas group health insurance broker can help provide the company with a survey of available Texas group dental insurance quotes, and help the company determine the overall best plan for their employees and budget.

M Chapman is a principal with Texas Group Benefits of Dallas, Texas, a Dallas employee benefits consultant and Dallas group health insurance broker that specializes helping North Texas businesses with fully insured and self-funded insurance plans. His agency helps business structure cost-effective and affordable employee benefits attract and retain great employees. Implementing these plan designs may can often save employers between $1,000 to $2,000 per employee per year with no reduction in overall employee benefits.

Visit M Chapman's web site at You can also contact him at for a free, no-obligation consultation, or for affordable Texas group health insurance quotes, call today, (2140 764-6315, or toll-free (888) 398-6246.

The process of cleaning the earwax (cerumen) and toxins naturally by means of a hollow candle placed in the ear is called ear candling. This process is also variably known as ear coning or thermal-auricular therapy. Under the process, one end of the ear candle is placed in ear canal and the other end is lighted. The vacuum that is resulted from the burning of the one end of the candle cleans out the ear. During the process the person experience a pleasant crackling sound and a warm comfortable feeling.

The whole process of cleansing the ears with candles usually takes around forty five minutes and one or two candles are used for each ear. The candles used in getting rid of yeast or wax from ear through this folk medicinal practice are available in various colours and qualities. Among them Biosun ear candle come under the most popular category.

Regarded as the best and the safest products, Biosun ear candle are made by hand using a traditional recipe and the finest ingredients, such as pure beeswax, honey extract and traditional herbs. They are certified medical products according to EC guidelines 93/42 (EEC) and regularly tested by independent research institutes. This natural product is given artistic touch by making slight differences in colour or length.

Since the ear candle treatment is a non-invasive, relaxing and soothing experience, they are widely used throughout Europe, America and Asia by GP's and hospitals to treat a variety of ear, nose and throat conditions. Cleaning out excessive or compacted wax in the ears, taking out yeast and dispelling fluid that builds up in the ear are some of the purposes for which they are used. People also use them for eliminating backed up mucus, discouraging candida, diminishing chronic sinusitis, enhancing hearing capability.

Even, ear candles are used to enhance taste and smell power, relieve ear pain, restore equilibrium or pressure in the ear or getting rid of noises like ringing, tinnitus in the ears. In rare cases the benefits of ear candles are challenged. But these are the claims of sceptics and do not have strong base. Most of the ear candles are registered as medical devices. However, it is recommendable to be careful while buying this product so that you can purchase the genuine one.

Hudson is a successful author and loves to research and write on various types of Ear Candles, an age-old medicinal practice of getting relief from ear pain and discomfort. He has also written many books on Fragranced Tealights, Nag Champa Incense, Tealights and many more. He is currently associated with "Something for the Wickend," an online portal that sells candles for every occasion.

One of the most important Sales Techniques I learned in marketing and building a business is the power of relationship building. When I put my energy into getting to know my clients personally their likes and dislikes, what their interests and passions are, that takes the business relationship to a deeper level. Its called you are my friend. People want to do business with people they like.

Amazingly enough decision makers will choose the people they feel they can trust and they like before choosing a company that has been in business for a hundred years or has double the employees. My direct experience has shown me time and time again, get to know your client. Bond with your client and you have a client for life.

The way I build relationships is by coming from a place of true curiosity about the person and who they are, what makes them tick.

That genuine interest is what starts the ball rolling. When I start the conversation with any potential new client it will have something to do with getting to know them and finding out what we have in common. If you ask someone enough questions you find out pretty quickly what you both have mutual interests in. Once you discover that, youre set.

Most people really love when they meet someone else who shares one of their passions. They light up when they know they can talk all about what they love with someone who not only understands but wants to talk about that subject as well.

What you have in common can be anything really. You both love old movies. You both love to jog. You both have children about the same age. You both were married once and now divorced. Believe me if you play twenty questions with your client you will most likely find more then one thing you have in common.

Sales Technique #2Dont sale

You may be thinking what kind of a sales technique is that? That is the point, be honest and real, come form a place of service, and you will see people naturally attracted to that honesty and service and want to do business with you. When you start out trying to sell someone something they immediately get their defenses up.

The reason for this is because there is too much You need to do thisand for only $19.95 you get all that. Its called a pitch. I have never pitched a person in my life. Or if I have its been such a long time ago I dont remember. :)

If my potential client tells me I am a great sales person then I know I am Selling too much. At that point I have to stop and listento my client. One of the biggest mistakes sales people make is they are talking too much and they miss the queue. Your customer just told what they need from you to close the deal but you didnt hear it.

My sales numbers have always been award winningly high. With that type of consistency and recognition other managers naturally wanted me to train and implement my winning sales techniques for their company or office. They want to know what my secret sales techniques are.

I would get requests from within the company where I was a Regional Manager to take sales people out in the field from other regions. Everyone in my nation wide company wanted to know how my personal sales numbers and my offices numbers were always so high.

I agreed many times to take out sales people from other regions to help them increase their profits. One of the first things I would tell a sales person that is coming along to observe my sales technique, "I don't have a canned presentation, when I meet with a client it is not going to look like Im doing a presentation. It is going to look like Im having fun and just talking and gathering information with my friend, even if I just met them.

Have Fun

The reason for that is its exactly what I am doing. I love people and I love helping people. When I go to see a client I look at it as a social event that is fun and therefore the client has fun. They cant wait until I show up. Most people say I brighten up the office. Of course I stay professional, but very real!

How many referrals do you think I get? A LOT why? People like me and they know I like them. People trust me. I am genuinely interested in meeting their needs. I am not pushing some over rehearsed sales pitch on them, I am talking to them and asking questions, lots of questions. I am investigating, which is very important.

Try it next time you go to meet a potential client, just bond. Pretend you are a reporter and your job is to find out your clients likes and dislikes. To find out what they respond to and what they dont. And while youre doing that you make it fun for both of you. It should be easy and relaxed as if youre talking to a friend.

Understanding What Your Client Wants to Hear

Once you know what they like and what they dont what is important to them and what isnt, when its your turn to talk you will have gathered enough information that you know exactly what your client wants to here and that is your presentation, which is why a canned pitch will never work. What you say to the client has everything thing to do with what you just found out.

If they tell you the most important thing to them is what you will do if something goes wrong with your service and additional costs that may come up over time.

Your presentation should start by addressing those two topics. Letting them know you have a plan in place if something should happen. Explaining how or if your service requires them to spend more money down the line and how that cost will pay for itself. If so tell them the benefit of this, never apologize for it. If you are offering additional services that are of value present them that way.

They only care about XYZ there is no reason to tell them all about ABC for twenty minutes. By the time you get to XYZ they wont be interested. You lost them at ABC.

Nothing can occur in your life experience without your invitation of it through your thoughts

Form more information on growing your business visit my web site:

Dawn Abraham /CTACC
Qualified Life Coach

As a Life Coach / Business Coach, I specialize in working with professionals and entrepreneurs to create balanced lives while earning more money.

Partnering with me is a process where we find out whats blocking you from getting what you want. I guide you into awareness and then into action. The magic starts right away. Individual Coaching, Group Coaching and tele-classes are offered. Go to my web site for more information.

With all the excitement and preparations of attending a private swinger house party, it can be easy to forget about the simple things you can to do to set you apart from all the other guests. Here are some tips to help make your night at the party a great one, and stay on the guest list for future parties:

  • Be Responsive: When receiving a house party invitation, read it carefully and make sure to respond by the RSVP date. Since a house party can only accommodate a certain number of guests, be polite and let the hosts know in advance if you are unable to make it so they can invite another couple to replace you. If you find you cannot go after making a reservation, call back and cancel so the host can invite someone waiting for an opening.
  • Be Generous: Party hosts spend a lot of time making arrangements for parties. They have to choose who to invite, send the invitations, prepare the house, the entertainment, and the food and drinks. If there is no financial cost for you to attend the party, use good manners and bring a gift for the hosts. It could be a bottle of wine, or a keepsake for the hostess.
  • Be Cooperative: Everyone has a different opinion of proper operating procedures. If your hosts are into a different thing, go along with it despite any prior expectations you may have had. When youre the host you can do it your way!
  • Be Respectful: Just like you, not everyone is comfortable in all situations. Be attentive to the fact that your partner, as well as others, may not be relaxed or enjoying themselves. Keep in mind that not all people feel the same way about things, so if it is obvious that things are not working out remain polite and courteous, but alert the host.
  • Be Honest: Do not allow yourself to become sexually involved with anybody that you are not interested in. You are at the party to enjoy yourself, so only do what you want, when you want, and with whom you want.
  • Avoid Being Pushy: If you are interested in swinging with another couple, let them know in a friendly way. If they are likewise interested, they will respond in a positive manner. If they are not interested and respond with a No thank you, do not ask WHY. Everyone has the right to say NO at all times, to anyone, without an explanation. No amount of sweet-talking or coercion on your part will change their mind, and will probably work against you.
  • Keep It Fun: If it is a theme party, plan on dressing that way. If you do not like the theme, do not go. You will change the atmosphere and drag others down. Many theme parties call for costumes or special party wear. Swinging is fun, so go with it!
  • Be Appreciative: It is always good manners to thank your hosts for inviting you into their home. You should do it in person during the party and after the party with a thank you card or a phone call. Everyone likes to feel appreciated, so your hosts will remember you and most likely add you to the guest list of their next party.

Adrienne Taylor is the author of Getting Your Wife Or Girlfriend To Become A Swinger. She has surveyed thousands of swingers around the world. Get your copy of her book at:

Learn how to get your wife or girlfriend into the Swinging Lifestyle. Start by visiting her web site at:

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