
Why Some Men Don't Want To Commit


If you are dating, engaged, or still trying to find Mr. Right, then this weeks message is for you - Why some men do not want to commit or find it very difficult to commit to women they supposedly love. This topic is quite puzzling to most single women. You feel that a man who professes to love you ought to commit to you with ease. Here are some of the reasons why some men behave this way:

Why commit when I am getting the goods free of charge? A lot of men, if given the opportunity, will sow their wild oats until hell freezes over. These men are like kids in a candy store they just dont know how to choose when there are so many varieties to choose from. It is more exciting for them to keep you as one of their concubines, rather than get tied down and lose out on the opportunity to sample the delicious lovelies out there.

What if I commit too soon and miss out on the most beautiful woman I have ever met? This is the kind of internal talk that goes on in the head of the guy that is finding it difficult to commit. You may be the nicest person they have ever met, but something tells them that there may be someone else out there who is more beautiful, sexier, freakier, and just plain nicer.

Past hurtful experience that makes it difficult to commit - Some men want to commit to women, but find it very difficult to do so as a result of being dumped, cheated on, or simply being disappointed by someone they loved with all their heart. The hurtful experience could also be from childhood, such as having parents that divorced .

This sometimes makes a men feel that it is useless to commit to any woman, when there is the possibility that the relationship could break up. The relationship that once was his rock and foundation his parents disintegrated. This type of man is usually a good man, but as a result of the bad relationship experience, has become gun shy. With some patience, love and the passage of time, this kind of man usually overcomes his commitment phobia.

Fear of taking on responsibility With commitment comes responsibility, and there are some men who just hate to take on the kinds of responsibility that come with marriage and childbirth. They find it much easier to remain single.

Your inability to satisfy him in bed This is an often-neglected reason why a man may not want to commit to a woman. Men have this fear that if they are not sexually satisfied now, when they have not committed to you, it may get even worse when you get very comfortable after they commit. There is a way to boost your abilities in this area without having to hang off chandeliers. Michael Webbs exciting, "500 Love Making Tips & Secrets" can take your lovemaking to a whole new level.

Just because your man is afraid of committing does not mean that he cannot commit to you. There is always a way to get the results you want. You can make yourself so irresistibly attractive to him that all his inhibitions will just simply melt away.

There is a way to get your man commit to you. Find out more by visiting:

Steve Ubah is the author of Passion Keys A Womans Ultimate Guide To Unlocking The Love In A Mans Heart. To find out how you can make your man fall madly in love with you, please visit

A note to all publishers: Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine, newsletter or website as long as the articles content is not modified and all links as well as the authors resource box are included.

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After she breaks up with you, it would be great if you could just get her back!

Yet, if you did it wouldn't make much sense as to why she broke up with you in the first place.

It also would mean that she might break up with you again and again since she already knows you will take her back, no matter what.

Women come back after they break up with someone for only a few reasons.

  1. Turns out he or life wasn't much better than you
  2. Being single was a lot harder than she thought it was going to be
  3. Her attraction for you increased tremendously
For the most part women come back to men who fall in the first two categories, because most men don't know or aren't willing to do what it takes to increase attraction after she breaks up with you.

While you might be happy for now just because she has come back; her lack of attraction puts you at an even greater risk of having her leave you again.

So how can you increase her attraction level for you after she breaks up with you?

The easiest way is to move on after the break up and if she comes back make her jump through some hoops just too barely get your attention.

The more you show her you are a man with options, who chose her, the stronger her attraction will be.

Although many times that attraction for you becomes so great because you already have moved on and found someone much greater than her and it really is too late.

Teddy Shabba is a Dating Coach for Men who has a daily newsletter that provides you with a wealth of information on how to be more successful with women. You can sign up for the Teddy Shabba Dating Advice Newsletter for Men now.

Also with over 500 articles from a variety of dating experts just for men our Dating Advice and Seduction Article Database is the perfect place for any man.

To learn more about Getting Over A BreakUp visit our article section Breaking Up Today

Being in a gay relationship can be complicated at times. Looking for one can give you an even bigger headache. With plenty of Gay online dating services just a mouse click away you can be enjoying a relationship with Mr right in no time. A few small pointers can get your gay online dating off to a productive start.

One of the most important things to question is someones honesty. When youre online dating this will start when you are looking at their profile. Its not always about what they have put on their profile, it can be what is missing from their profile that puts up red flags.

The first thing that will attract you to another gay single is their photo. If you come across a profile where the single hasnt uploaded their photo you have to ask, why? With the technology available today there is no reason why any single should not have their photo online. If anyone is serious about finding a gay partner they will have their photo on their profile for everyone to see. If there are any reasons why someone hasnt got their photo online theyre probably not good ones. If it comes down to the quality of the photo then one with poor quality is better than none at all. At the end of the day theyre selling themselves, and if they cant do that very well then they wont get any buyers.

The description of themselves will give you a few pointers into the gay singles honesty and openness. Some singles will find filling out their details a long and boring process, or others will just have nothing they want to tell you. Either way if someone is genuinely looking for a gay relationship online they will spend as much time as it takes filling in their profile. When it means finding someone you could be spending the rest of your life with, thirty minutes completing an online dating profile is not long at all. This is where you will get to see the parts of a persons character that you cant see in a photo. And this is also where you find out another gay singles true willingness to find a partner online.

With this advice youre well armed for testing someones honesty. You can still do a little investigating yourself with a few questions about anything mentioned in their profile. If you find yourself needing to do too much investigating then that single is probably not the one for you.

For gay online dating reviews, and advice for a better quality online dating experience visit -

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