
Identity Theft - Knowing When You Are Victimized May Be The Least Of Your Problems

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I received a letter in the mail from our "great state" of Illinois that they failed to protect the personal information I'm required to provide to be licensed to do business.

I followed their advice and put a fraud alert on my credit report then went to follow their suggestion that we monitor our own credit multiple times throughout this year. Each credit agency (Experian/Equifax/TransUnion)offered monitoring services for a monthly fee. They ranged from $9.95 to $14.95. Another added expense!

While they notify you of any problems it doesn't appear to have any service available to help restore credit and correct the problem. Kinda like a doctor who diagnoses your illness but offers no cure. I'm not paying monthly for that!

According to my research identity theft victims spend on average over $1,000.00 in legal fees & over 100 (business) hours to correct this problem. Once breached you are more likely to be victimized again in the future. That's more time & money I want to spend developing my business!

I found a solution that makes more sense for me and share this with you for consideration. For virtually the same monthly fees it MONITORS & RESTORES your credit if there is any problems. It's offered by one of the nation's largest credit protection companies (Krull). The same one used by the government to assist with Enron & recover of Iranian assets.

Coverage Details:

Credit Report

Evaluate your current credit standing with:

An up-to-date credit report through Experian at no added cost
A personal credit score calculated by an independent scoring service
A detailed analysis of your personal credit score
Identity Theft ShieldSM makes it easy to regularly monitor your credit report.

Continuous Credit Monitoring

Suspicious activation will be brought to your attention, providing you with early detection.

You'll receive prompt notice if the credit repository is notified by Experian that:

New accounts have been opened in your name
Derogatory notations have been added to your credit report
Public records have been added to your report
Inquiries have been made against your report
A change of address has been requested

Identity Restoration

Identity theft can be devastating, and the process of restoring your name can be overwhelming and costly. You need more than "do it yourself" information if it happens to you.

With the Identity Theft ShieldSM a trained expert will take the steps to restore your name and credit for you!

Help reduce your out of pocket expenses and time spent away from work with valuable services from detection to resolution. Fraud alert notifications will be sent on your behalf and applicable follow up will be done with affected agencies and institutions, including: credit card companies, financial institutions, all three credit repositories, Social Security Administration, Federal Trade Commission, Department of Motor Vehicles, law enforcement personnel, and the U.S. Postal Service.

Proactive searches of applicable local and national databases will be made on your behalf to look for information you may not be aware of, including: criminal activity in your name in your county's records and certain federal watch lists, Department of Motor Vehicle records in your state, unknown addresses affiliated with your name, and banking activity in your name reported as fraudulent

Use this web link to view their infomercial and consider whether this is a superior product. click on "Identity Theft Shield." Let me know what you think.

Greg Z

Greg's interest in mortgage finance began with his work at Inland Real Estate. He has managed commercial and residential property sales transactions. During the past decade Greg has volunteered his time as an elected member on the Board of Directors for Central Credit Union of Illinois serving as Secretary, Credit & Supervisory Committee Chairman.

In September 2006 Mortgage Specialist Greg Zaccagni was interviewed for Robert Frazen's One on One public affairs talk show. Look for program #557 "Financing Real Estate in Today's Rising Rate Environment" on Comcast, Insight & UPTV. For more information enter "Gregory Zaccagni" into your Google search engine.

"I enjoy everything about helping others qualify for loans that open doors to their personal dreams and promise to dedicate myself to this end in every transaction," says Greg. Visit this webiste for more information:

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